Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Snow Angels

Well, we woke up yesturday to the first snow of the season here in the Panhandle.  It was cold outside and the snow began to fall about midday and didn't stop until almost dark.  We ended up with about 3" or so.  Well, enough about the weather.

Last week I started meeting with the various ministries of the Church to discuss the new changes that are coming in January.  Everyone is so excited about the new structure and ready to contribute to the work.  It makes me proud to be their pastor.  In the midst of all the excitement there is also a darkness.  Obviously the devil is not going to be happy with the new structure or the excitement of the Church.  So we are fighting spiritual battles along the way.  That's what happens when you go to war.

I have also been counselling many of my leaders that have fallen into a state of anxioty for a lack of a better word; depression would be to strong a word.  They are feeling the preasure of growth from the Lord and are being stretched in their faith and in thier walk for the Lord.  The flesh is a curious animal.  There are times when we want to grow with the Lord and so we make the changes that are necessary to get what we want.  But, there are time when the Lord wants us to change or demands that we grow and change for the task in which he has called us, and our flesh is not ready or doesn't want to make these changes.  So we fight it.  We don't know why we are fighting it, but we do.  Sometime even when we know and are excited about the changes that are coming.  The difference is it wasn't our decision to make the change.  Change was thrust upon us, and we don't like being told what to do, so, we fight it.  What I have learned is that it is better to trust the Lord and allow him to make the changes and bring the direction that he wants for our lives no matter how painful and unwanted the changes might be.  The bottom line is simple: we don't have a clue what we need or when we need it. We must learn to trust the Lord and let him mold us into the image of his dear Son.  In doing so, we can accomplish the task that has been set before us and run the race for the glory of God. 

Naturally when God is doing things that we have never done before reality begins to set in, and we start feeling overwhelmed with the responsibility.  It reminds me of Moses as God came to him on the backside of the desert and told him to He was going to deliver His people and he was sending Moses to Pharoh to demand the relese of his people.  Moses' response was much like ours.  Who am I that I should go before Pharoh and deliver this people.  We want to take on the job of the supernatural and that is overwhelming everytime, because that is impossible for us to do.  We must remember that God does the impossible and uses his people to do it.  There is a big difference between the two.  God is doing the Work, and I am just along for the ride.

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